Friday 2 December 2011

What Is The First Step to Finally Have Online MLM Success

Looking back on how I started to build my business online, it is so clear to me why we had gotten it all wrong. Creating wealth on the internet was such a mystery, and it made no sense to me how there seemed to be so many people that made it look so EASY. I just knew I had to find out what it was that I was missing, and I did. The funny thing is that it was right in front of my face the entire time. In the course of conversation I happened to remember that about 3 years ago I had listened to Mike Dillard. What he was saying just made a whole lot of sense to me. At the time I was feeling the burn of yet another MLM opportunity that was not working. Had I known then what I know now I would give myself a swift kick in the pants and tell me to pay attention. But something in me just snapped and I tuned him out and continued along my journey of frustration, after all, how could he be any different? Long story short, I got over my doubts and fears and finally got my own copy of Magnetic Sponsoring. As simple as it was profound, this was the true starting point of the changes that propelled me forward. All that is to say this. If I would have just gotten Magnetic Sponsoring at that time I would have shaved off a couple more years of frustration. What I am going to say next will probably surprise you, I know it did me, but it is THE #1 Concept that must be understood before you will ever see the money your looking for. It was simply amazing to air swimmers me that something so simple yet so illusive most will not catch it the first time they hear it. I remember starting online and I was still under the impression that you need to get people in a corner and somehow force them to see what you have to offer. I remember we found the best deal ever, everything was set up and ready to go, just put your $3,000 in and you would start getting money back. The website was a killer, I mean with a powerful message, beautiful design and tons of training in the back office. I got my affiliate link and I was ready to promote my Company Replicated Site. I knew my family and friends didn't want any part of what I had so my upline said to start an Adwords campaign and that should get things rolling for me. I could feel it in my bones, hey I was in direct contact with successful people and I was doing what they said, this was my time! When it didn't happen I had to come to the realization that my upline nor the company were at fault...I was. I decided to buy Magnetic Sponsoring and watch Nail art Mike's 7Day Boot Camp series and the second time I did a couple of things dawned on me. Why I didn't see the very first Principle without having it brought to my attention is beyond me. It is simply this.No one was looking for me! I just blended into the background of the internet no one knew or cared who I was or what I had, I was a clone with no soul. It hit me like a ton of bricks.I had to have people chasing after me instead of me trying to chase after them. Sure, it sounds simple, but how? KNOWLEDGE. I had to make myself valuable. If you will just start increasing your knowledge of internet marketing and start teaching it in your own particular fashion, potential clients will begin seeking you out again and again. This is the first real nuts and bolts step that everybody who makes the real money online never skip over. I personally have found that the fastest way to implement this is to get plugged into the same systems and tools that the industry leaders are using. It really isn't tough. Don't be fooled...the top earners are constantly learning and increasing their value, you can do the same every day and have the Freedom and the Pay Check that few ever experience. I wish you the best in your journey to Online MLM Success. There is much more to come, so feel free to peak ahead.

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