Monday 5 December 2011

Unfocused and Broke! 4 Essential Steps to Freedom!

Do you find yourself unable to stay focused for more than 5 minutes on anything that has to do with watch repair tools websites, chat, email, Facebook, Skype, MySpace, IM and 1000 other distractions? Welcome to confusion. This is critically important if you are doing your best to have an online income. Being unfocused can lead to your painful downfall.There is one place you don't want to be, stuck in a black hole. But your constant chasing the next bright shiny object will land you there quickly. I should be the one to know. My addiction to "get rich quick" shiny programs cost me thousands of dollars in credit cards until I woke up one day and decided THAT WAS IT!It is my earnest desire to wake you up and smell the coffee. Freedom is awesome!. This is nothing but an addiction, it really is. Why? You just "know" that this new shiny program that is being launched tomorrow will be your ticket to freedom. And they take PayPal so it really must be safe.Here is your map to freedom:Step 1. STOP SPENDING. Sounds easy. But it's not. But this is a critically important step. Right this minute stop spending even a penny on the next product launch that is about to hit your email inbox. You don't need another Google ZZZ adwords strategy or the newest blogging millions garbage. It may not be garbage, but it IS GARBAGE if you don't zero in on it and make it work for you.Step 2. UNSUBSCRIBE. But you say "I can't unsubscribe from guru Bog." He's really an excellent teacher! So if Guro Bog is that good, why haven't you fired your boss yet? Have you even listened to all of guru Bog's material? If you are like me, I'd have a hard time locating the file. Look, step 2 is simple: unsubscribe from ALL the constant barrage of Shiny Object invitation emails flooding your inbox.You will go through withdrawals. I did. It hurts for a little while. You won't feel loved anymore. But you start getting your life back. Do you think this is worth it?Step 3. Realize the deception of the next Shiny Object problem. This won't take long, and is very important, so pay attention. We are creatures that keep looking for success. In this wacked-out world, buying something means you have power. The more it costs, the more power. And power Nail Sticker means success. So when I spend $1500 on guru Bog's List Domination in 30 Days, I feel successful because I spent the money.Just spending the money makes the connection to "success." I know this sounds crazy and stupid. But that's how addictions work. They deceive you into believing that you are on your way to riches, when in fact you are falling deeper into your black hole.Step 4. Stay Laser Focused on ONE project until you see it working. Keep plugging away and don't you dare quit.This is so important. Follow just one guru. Join only one MLM. Learn all the MLM secrets.Drop everything else, even if you think the program will "assist" you with your ONE FOCUSED project. From my experience it will just distract you more.You can get focused and rise up out of your black hole. It can take some time. But the rewards are SO worth it. I should know. I have done it. You can to.

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