Tuesday 9 April 2013

Car GPS real time

GPS technology usually used in military ,there are some advantages GPS technology have now ,it have a wide use in industry ,especially in car ,car GPS real-time is a new bearing from global navigational satellites .
Do you know how car GPS real-time work? With the rapidly development of GPS ,much more precise positions known from GPS accuracy improvements such as differential GPS or wide area augmentation system, which can determine your position within less than 3 feet
There are also including two or three GPS receivers, each with their own antenna , that are further apart than the inaccuracy of position, for example, they have enough separation that a bearing line can be constructed when their computer draws a line through their individual position fixes.
This technology is used to eliminate the unpredictability of humans, would allow for all the cars on the road to be in continuous communicate and have real time data on their current locations, so, it is largely used in some logistic companies, customers can detect their productions location and make sure their production can send to their hands need how many days. Most companies also use car GPS real time to manage those staffs ,so people can comply those rules, company can go in a rule management operation.
Why GPS real time can function well? It largely contribute to the global positioning system, Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites in orbit above Earth placed by the United States Department of Defense (US Do D). Originally intended for military use, it is now available for use by civilians. GPS works in any weather conditions, anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. By integrating a computer into the car with a GPS and wireless communication, an intelligent route-guide system can be created. The GPS will find the car’s location and relay this information to the Car PC. The computer will use wireless communications to notify other cars of its location in real time. Directions, speeds, and location can all be shared between groups of cars.
If you want to have a safe drive, GPS real time is a device you should equip, even though it will cost your money, but it strong function can help you lot and deserved you afford it.

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