Friday 31 August 2012

CD Wallets- The Indie Musician’s Choice!

CD wallets are becoming more popular in packaging CDs nowadays because they are cheaper, lighter, and friendlier to the environment than jewel cases and digipacks. CD wallets are not the photo album-type containers where we place our spare CDs. CD wallets are CD cases where we place individual CDs for commercial use, promotional use, and for storing office documents. CD wallets are made of 100% paper and is very eco-friendly (except if you seal it in a shrink-wrap. It looks very basic and is functional. If you want to take the CD in the CD wallet, you simply open it like a book and take out the CD that’s inserted in the slot. The CD wallet is pretty much like an LP sleeve except that it packages CDs.The music industry’s standard CD case is the jewel case but if you are an indie musician and you still want to test market your music, then CD wallets is the way to go when packaging your album. You can send out your album in CD wallets to radio stations and labels without the fear of looking cheap or incompetent because CD wallets, when printed with a catchy artwork actually do look good. CD wallets make your album artwork look more attractive since the material you’ll be printing it on is a thick cardboard. Unlike jewel cases, with CD wallets you will print the artwork on the actual case and not on a piece of paper inserted in the case. This, alone, has a huge effect on the colors and the overall appeal of the artwork.Another good reason for choosing CD wallet is that it’s cheaper. Oh yes, who would not love goggle sliver frame to save a few dollars especially if you’re still a struggling first-timer. CD wallets are not as expensive as digipacks. The price difference may not be that big for a few pieces but if we are talking about 500 units or more, then the difference is very visible. Aside from the actual case being affordable, CD wallets are also lighter and smaller compared to other cases therefore shipping costs will be lessened by a few cents. This is good news because we indie musicians have to save a few dollars for more important things-like promotion and distribution.As an indie musician, I highly recommend CD wallets. I Suzuki GSX1300 rear passenger seat used CD wallets on my first album and people loved it. Well, they basically praised the artwork and not the case. But the way I see it, using CD wallets will not make your album look cheap and unsophisticated. And the best thing is that CD wallets are eco. As an advocate for the green movement, this matters a lot to me, too. I do not want to contribute to the further destruction of our planet just because I want to sell my music. I love my music and I want to share it in a way that’s not harmful to Mother Nature. Good thing CD wallets are here!If Double Horse 9102 you have used CD wallets in releasing an album, please share your opinions.

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